The Escape Plan
Chew Eng Han Escape to Malaysia Foiled Just nine days before he was due to begin his jail term – Chew was arrested on Wednesday morning for attempting to flee Singapore in a motorised sampan [CNA1]. Chew Eng Han attempt to flee has ended with ridicule and being mocked by the general populace; just because he was caught, the media portrayed an imbecile and the comedy of the escape plan. His lack of success could be attributed to perhaps the lack of time to plan, conscience, resources and contacts to make success getaway. The intrigue brings me to examine if his escape plan was viable in the first place or was it too haphazard. An escape due to an opportunity appearing suddenly. If so, it likely to fail and perhaps this was what happened. As a bail bond jumper, the $1 million bail sum to be forfeited is almost a certainty, along with it, the risk of being arrested and extradited to Singapore and face an extended jail term. Should he escape, he would have been a hero for